Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Stuffs!

Hi Ebreybody!  It’s Nora!  De Baby Lion Girl!!!!  I’s is back back on the web Man-zes!!!!!   Well a lot-lot has happened-ed since Nora last posted.  Firstes Nora gotted a new body!  Is not hers pretty????

Yeah, I’s is berry much pretty.  Thanks you for noticing!  

Here I’s is on the top of mine Nora tree!
Silly catzez thinking that theyzez can sit up here when it is Nora’s tree! 

So secondez Nora and hers Llama, hims name is Pito has moved back to Calie-fornja!!!!  The rest of Nora’s herdzez is still in Mush-kokgey… Mooo-kooky,  Mmmm… Okeyhoma.  Nora misses themzez already, but Dabby says we will go get them soon...

They is guarding our stuff-stuff.  Nora and Pito cameed with Momma and Dabby to guard ummm… Momma.  Yeah we’ses came to guarded Momma!   We is good at that!  So now we is in Calie-fornja and is most happy… excepts we misses the restes of our friendez.  Dabby says we camded across the country in luxury compareded to how him dided it when hims was a little boy ...  
Crossing the country in luxury...

Nora and pito think himzez hitted hims head harder than Momma thoughted in Mush-gogo... Mich-ohoh... when we was leaving, cause we thinks this is closer to what it was likes...

Exceptez we were in car-car and in the desert and there was no dessert either!

The next thing that has happeneded is that Nora’s Dabby finisheded schoolez!   Silly school, not knowing Dabby's namezez...

Nora decorated it fors him and puted the right name on it too! 

Nora is berry munch prouded of himzez.  Nora does not understanded why but now him sayses that him wants to go and geted another degree.    What is MBA, and why is its so much importanted to gos to a good schoolez?  Nora does not knowez but Dabby seems to be berry much confuzeded about its…  Silly Dabby.   Momma saysez that him should study what himzez loves, so Nora thinks that him should study Nora and Pito, but nobody listenzez to Nora bout thingies.

Well Nora gussezez that is about enough new stuff for nowez.  My Lllama says hi and thankses to everyone who voteded fors him.  

Pito sayzez, "HI!"

Sorry himzez didn’t win yet.  There's always next year though.   

Bye-bye from Nora and hers llama, hims name is Pito.  

Wez will talk again soon cause that’sez whats new in Nora’s world!  What’s new in your’zez?

~Nora (with helps from Pito and Dabby)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pito for Emperor

This man changed our world:

This man is trying to fix what that man changed:

Isn't it time for a candidate who won't play games?

Pito DeLlama for Emperor of the Bed.
Vote 3/27/12

Monday, September 6, 2010

Reunited and It Feels So Right

The herb is back togefer! Thank you Momma!

On a side note, Momma told me last night that big changes are coming to Nora's World.

I wonder if that means she found out about my plan to take over the world. I hope not, she might disademble the machine.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I totally blame Momma and Daddy for this. They moved Nora halfway across the country and now I can't find the rest of my herd!!!

Where's the herd??? I've lost my herd!!! I found JoyJoy, Pito and Anita, but where are Paco, Miguel and Zekey? Theys is lost!!!

If you hear about a llama chow robbery, please, please email me! Don't tell Momma I lost them though. She kind of likes the herd.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Me Hangin' With My Herd

Here is a picture of me and my herd:

That's me riding on Miguel. He didn't like that much. Anita is on my right with JoyJoy. JoyJoy is an honorary member of the herd cause she's our only gimaraffe and she was lonely. We told her to come play with us.

Pito is on my left and Zeke is in front. On the other side of Pito is the newest member of our herd. Yes, I have another llama. His name is Paco. Why do I have another llama? Mama wanted one so when I sang my song about my llama Paco eating my taco, it wasn't a lie.

I told you she needed help.

Thanks to Mama for taking the picture. It was for her other blog. Here's the one she rejected. I like it better cause we're all cuddling.

Which do you prefer?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Momma Needs A Life

Daddy has been looking for other Nora bodies for a while now. Mine is dirty and beginning to fall apart. Then he found one, he bought it and wrote the nice lady and told her if she came across any others, to let him know, he'd buy them. She had another one and within a week, Momma got a package with this:

Two more Nora bodies!!

Unfortunately, they were smaller than the original Nora. Momma calls them Mini Noras. Miss Goofy calls them Baby Nora and Baby Lenny. Here I am posed with my two new Nora bodies.

You might be wondering what I'm wearing in that picture. Here's a picture of my outfit.

Seriously, Momma needs help.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

You Go Away For a Few Days...

And the blog goes to hell. Thanks a lot Elephant!!!

I've slipped in google. Let's boost that listing people!!

So we've had an addition to the herd.

Everyone Welcome Miguel:

He's a big llama. Here's a picture of him with Pito:

And here is the whole herd:

We had to take these quick. Sorry if they're blurry, but we were afraid Momma was going to come back. Hopefully, Momma will be busy tomorrow and I can convince Miss Goofy to take a picture of me with my herd.